Terms and conditions

Legal Information

This Website, accessible at https://www.alp-sa.fr (here in after the "Website") is published by : 

ALP SAS, whose registered office is located at 27 Avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie 75116 Paris, France 

Email: contact@alp-sa.fr 

Registration number with the Paris Commercial Court: 53857027600039 

Director of publication: Souleymane Bamba souleymane.bamba@alp-sa.fr

Site host: OVH SAS, whose headquarters are located at 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix, France 

Type of data : Data collected via the "Submit your project" form 

Retention period: 2 years from the date of the last contact with the applicant or participant. 

At the end of the retention period, ALP may archive the Personal Data necessary for the exercise of a right and for the proof of such right, within the applicable legal period after which the Personal Data concerned shall be deleted.

Intellectual property protection

The Website and each of its components, in particular future articles, newsletters, press releases, presentations, brochures, illustrations, photographs, software, animations, etc., are the exclusive intellectual property of ALP, with the exception of third party rights and trademarks that may be referenced.

The User is not authorized to reproduce, execute, modify, translate and/or adapt, in whole or in part, for valuable consideration or free of charge, the Website or any of its components, nor to reproduce or carry out such translations, adaptations and modifications, in whole or in part, for valuable consideration or free of charge, without the prior written authorization of ALP.